🖥️Register your website

Obtain your website's Client ID and Client Secret.

You will need a few pieces of information to get your credentials so you can add NFT Login to your website or application.


Email Address


Your personal company email address

Company Name


The name of your company

Redirect URL


Where logged in users will be redirected after sign in

Homepage URL


The homepage URL for your company

Vula Labs requires that the redirect URL of your app uses https, even for local development. An easy workaround for this is using a service like ngrok that creates a secure tunnel to your app, using https.

Obtain API Keys

With the information outlined above, send a request to our server to obtain your Client ID and Client Secret.

🔑API Key

Response Body

After submitting the form, you'll receive a standard response in your email inbox. In the response will be the Client ID and Client Secret, which will be used to integrate NFT Login.

    "clientId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "redirectUris": [
    "grants": [

Last updated