🟠miniOrange WordPress Plug-in

Vula Labs Single Sign-On.


WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin allows users to securely login to your WordPress site without having to remember username & password by authenticating with WordPress OAuth.


miniOrange plug-in (requires premium access).

WordPress installed on your operating system.

  • Log into your WordPress instance as an admin.

  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins and click on Add New.

  • Search for a WordPress OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin and click on Install Now.

  • Once installed click on Activate.

Steps to configure Vula Labs OAuth Login with WordPress

Set up Sign in with Vula Labs

Visit the link below and fill out the form to obtain your Client ID and Client Secret.

You will receive an email response with the Client ID and Client Secret to use in the Connection setup steps below.

Check Register Website or Postman Request Steps for more information.

Configure Vula Labs Provider

  1. Go to Configure OAuth tab and search for Vula Labs to add a new client application into your website

  2. Input Client ID & Client Secret obtained in previous section

  3. Set scope equal to primary

  4. Click on Save Settings to save the configuration.

You've successfully established WordPress as an OAuth Client, allowing users to securely access their digital resources using a single set of login credentials with Vula Labs Single Sign-On (SSO) login into your WordPress site.

  • Make sure the "Show on login page" option is enabled for your application.

  • Now, go to your WordPress Login page. (Eg. https://< your-wordpress-domain >/wp-login.php)

  • You will see a Vula Labs SSO login button there. Once you click the login button, you will be able to test the Vula Labs Single Sign-On (SSO).

Scope & Endpoints

  • Please refer the below table for configuring the endpoints for Vula Labs in the plugin.


Authorize Endpoint:


Access Token Endpoint:


Get User Info Endpoint:


WordPress Vula Labs OAuth SSO plugin should now be successfully configured with Vula Labs as the OAuth Provider and WordPress as the OAuth Client.

Alternative: Configure Custom OAuth2 Provider

  1. Make sure Redirect URL ends with /oauth/callback

  2. Input Client ID & Client Secret obtained in previous section

  3. Set scope equal to primary

  4. Set Authorize Endpoint equal to https://oauth.vulalabs.com

  5. Set Access Token Endpoint equal to https://login.vulalabs.com/oauth/token

  6. Set Get User Info Endpoint equal to https://login.vulalabs.com/secure

Last updated